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Case Studies

Real-world examples illustrating successful integration of UX in projects at AEMO. Empowering projects through early and iterative user-centric design, ensuring success from conception to execution

Incorporating UX design into projects is essential for creating successful and user-friendly products. Projects that prioritize UX design from the early phases of the project lifecycle tend to have better outcomes, including higher user satisfaction, increased adoption rates, and lower development costs.

By engaging UX designers early on, teams can better understand user needs, identify potential challenges, and create intuitive designs that resonate with their target audience. Encouraging more projects to incorporate UX design from the outset can lead to more impactful and successful products that meet both user and business goals.


Project Phase:
Feasibility and Planning
UX Activities:

The WEMDE UI project stands out for its early integration of UX design, a UX designer was engaged to collaborate with subject matter experts (SMEs) on defining requirements. This partnership led to the creation of detailed personas, user journey maps, and wireframes that laid a solid foundation for the development. By involving UX design from the outset, the project team gained valuable insights into user needs and behaviors.

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Metering Exemptions Project

Project Phase:
Execution (Development)
UX Activities:

The participant-facing web app project engaged a UX designer during the execution phase, a decision that significantly influenced its success. The designer played a crucial role in understanding user requirements, creating detailed wireframes, and iterating on designs through six cycles alongside business analysts and developers.

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Metering Exemptions Project

Usability Testing on Market Notice

Project Phase:
Planning and Execution
UX Activities:

To ensure the features we are building met the specific needs of control room operators, the designer conducted several usability testings on clickable prototypes with end users. This approach allowed the designer to gather firsthand feedback from real users, enabling them to identify pain points and areas for improvement before the developers began the development phase. By involving the end users early in the design process, the team was able to make informed design decisions that ultimately led to a more user-friendly and effective software.

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Usability Testing on Market Notice

Simplifying the process of generating market notices

Project Phase:
Benefit realisation
UX Activities:

The retirement of an old app and the successful launch of a new, technologically advanced app stands as a testament to the power of user experience (UX) design. The new app received positive feedback from real users, highlighting its intuitive interface and enhanced features.

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Simplifying the process of generating market notices