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Colour Palette

Primarily AEMO interfaces should utilise white space, text, and iconography to convey the majority of content. Accessibility and readability are key.

To break up the interface and draw attention to important items, designers can utilise subtle colour blocks and shadows to lift content off the screen.

Finally, colour can be applied to create extra emphasis and dynamism within the interface.

Colours that represent the brand

Hero colours (primary palette)

The core primary colour of the digital brand is purple, and now also includes a selection of lighter purple shades. The variations of purple are for any hero work or visualisations in a page or design, that you want to strongly represent the brand.

These purple hero colours are regularly paired with the secondary palette to provide some variance in official applications of the brand.

It is this set of colours that should be recognised as the AEMO brand colours.

Purple Primary

Should be used as the first choice colour within a design or layout

Dark Purple

This colour should be used as a foundation block in a design behind other colour elements and when many different colours are used at once. It should not dominate the design but be used sparingly and strategically to bring the other colours to life.

Purple Pop

Should be used as a highlight in small doses to draw attention.

Secondary Colours

The purple hero colours are paired with the following secondary palette to add variety to brand visuals.

These colours can be used for flourish, structure, illustrations and graphs where clear and appropriate.

Extension colours

Pop Bright tertiary colours have been introduced to the brand as special flourishes used in two circumstances:

used sparingly in illustrations to provide a pop of colour and flourish; paired with hero and secondary colours used for infographics and data, leveraging the broader tertiary colour palette; paired with the hero purple colours