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Visual Identity

The AEMO design language utilises colour, shape, and shadow to draw the user’s eyes to key elements within the interface. Accessibility and readability are key to the AEMO design language.

Primarily, AEMO interfaces consist of three core areas. They should utilise white space, text, and iconography to convey the majority of content.

To break up the interface and draw attention to important items, designers can utilise subtle colour blocks and shadows to lift content off the screen.

Finally, colour can be applied to create extra emphasis and dynamism within the interface.

The values that drive our visual identity


One of the key visual elements to be applied across AEMO’s digital assets is depth, created both through contrast, shading, and interaction. This effect conveys confidence through structure and creativity.


To both guide users through an interface and create impact, an updated set of brighter colours has been defined to extend AEMO’s core brand visuals and better represent creativity and innovation.


As the majority of AEMO’s digital assets are required to quickly communicate important information, utility should be a core ingredient in our creative process. This means the assets developed need to load quickly, get to the point, and provide the context and support required to empower user.