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Graphic Designer

Create contents for AEMO websites or products for AEMO projects using elements that are required for the creation of these assets by using the color palette, typography and design components

Design foundations

A solid understanding of the design foundations at AEMO allows you to make well-informed decisions in creationg of graphic elements for the website and the projects respectively.

branding guidelines

Rules and standard that communicates how AEMO's design is represented to the world.


Designed to communicate meaning and aid navigation.


Ensuring that our solutions consider the needs of all our digital customers.

Start designing

Designing graphical elements is different than creating UI for product. However, keeping the color scheme aligned with GEL enables you to create graphics and illustrations that are coherent with AEMO as a whole. The following will assist you in adding to your grapchis creation abilities.

design tokens

Visual values that construct and scale design across multiple platforms and devices.


Accessible palettes that achieve consistency.


Spot illustrated graphics that add visual appeal.