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A button or Call to Action (CTA) button, depending on the situation, will usually prompt users to sign up/register/buy now etc. CTA buttons should be used where the platfrom wants to strongly suggest something that the user should do.


There are several types of Buttons with varying degree of emphasis. Emphasis determines a Button's appearance and placement.

Button types


TypeEmphasisWhen to use
PrimaryHighUse to draw attention to the primary action on a screen. There should be only one Primary Button on a page at a time. Not all screens require a Primary Button.
SecondaryMediumUse for secondary actions on a screen. Secondary Buttons can be used on most pages without constrictions.
DangerHighUse to let users know they have an option to delete or remove data. They commonly appear in confirmation dialogs as the final confirmation before deleting.
Link buttonLowUse for actions that are less crucial. Tertiary Buttons are not links. They have focus states and are designed with a container. Always have a label that clearly communicates what action will occur if a user clicks or taps the button.


Button size


  • The buttons should be discoverable, easy to identify, and specific.
  • Always have a text label within the button container.
  • Avoid using buttons with icons on either side of the text. Only one icon should be used in either case with the text in the button.
  • If using multiple buttons, style and label them distinctly.
  • Icons are optional. When icons are used in a button, the default button has icon size of SM(16x16px) while the large and block buttons have icon size of Default(24x24px).
  • The icon color should same as the text color used for the button text.
  • Make buttons look and feel clickable.

When to use

  • Buttons should indicate an action is being performed.

When not to use

  • If you are directing a user to a new location, consider using a link element.


Buttons can be aligned left, right, or center depending on the context. Multiple alignments can be combined within a single screen, but not within an individual context. As a pattern, button placement in GEL for the primary actionable items are right aligned in most scenarios.

  • Right alignment: In constrained containers like modals and dialogs, flows that continue in a progressive direction, actions with a global impact, and toolbars. In these instances a Z-pattern (top to bottom and left to right with a diagonal, scanning movement) is common for reading flow. In these instances a user may be taking a progressive action, like affirming a modal, or an action upon a section, like formatting text in a comment.

Right alignment

  • Center alignment: Buttons used in empty states are the most ideal scenario to use center alignment. The actions are the only ones available in the context. Keep in mind if the actions navgiates user to another page, use link instead.

center alignment


Additional considerations

Designer assets

Hey Designers, please find the Figma assets here. If you want permission to access the file, please contact Experience Design CoP.

Developer API

Hey Developers, find out the tech documentation of this compoment on PrimeVue. If you have issue, please contact Development CoP